I'm not so great at these tags, but I'll give it a shot!
3 Joys.......
1. Family, family and family. I love my family and enjoy spending time with them. It doesn't matter what we are doing, it's always fun to be around them.
2. Right now listening to the little new noises that Abbi makes. It's enough to melt my heart.
3. It's a joy to have peace at home. I love when you get the kids to sleep and have time to actually think.
3 Fears......
1. Losing someone close to me. I always think about what would happen if something happened to Ryan and what I would do. I can make myself sick over this. I worry about things when I should just go with the flow and enjoy life!!2. I fear spiders....I hate hate hate them. I scream whenever I see them. Ryan always wonders what happened. He gets a little mad, because he doesn't see the purpose of screaming about spiders. Now my little Warner has started smashing them for me and he LOVES it!
3. I fear that I'm not doing all I can as a mother.
3 Goals....
1. To get back into running. I'd like to run the speedy Spaniard on the 24th, but I think I'll aim for a 5k first.
2. To lose the weight from Warner and Marriage...I lost the weight from Abbi, now just working on the rest ;)
3. I'd like to have more structured days for my kids. Teach Warner new things besides the latest cartoon on TV.
3 Obsessions.......
1. Blogging...who would've thought it would be so addicting. I love all the long lost friends I've been able to find.
2. Lately Food Food Food.....in order to achieve my goal I need to quit obsessing!
3. I'm obsessed with the dishes...I can NOT stand a dirty dish in the sink. It drives me NUTS!
3 surprising facts about me....
1. I have a love for shoes. They are so precious that I like to keep them all in the original boxes and stack them in my closet.
2. I worry about any thing and everything.
3. I'm afraid to stay home alone. If Ryan goes out of town then off to Kristie's I go.
I'm not going to tag anyone, but feel free anyone to do it....it's pretty fun!