Sunday, July 31, 2011

California Adventure

This day we got out without Sophie. As much as we love the girl, it was sure nice to be able to run around a lot quicker without her. We didn't have to take turns riding rides either....we could all go! Thanks to our good friend Shannon for hooking us up with a wonderful babysitter!! We were so excited to go to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Not sure who was more excited the kids or the parents. We watch this show daily, so it was exciting to see the kids watch it in real life!!
Warner and our friend Saylor following what Mickey had to say!

Abbi chasing the bubbles!

Abbi, Saylor, Jaxon, and Warner waiting for the show to start. Can't you just see the excitement in their little faces!

The boys against the girls on the bumper cars! That's right the girls won!

Ryan was willing to sit out on the kiddie rides. I wonder why!

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