Thursday, January 17, 2008

Tag I'm it!

1) What's your husbands name? Ryan J Roberts
2) How long have you been married? 3 time flies when you find the man of your dreams!
4) Who eats more? When it comes to food that would be Ryan. If it's snacking on treats all day that would be me. Ryan like treats but I prefer them to meals.
5) Who said "I love you" first? Ryan said it first. I really wanted to, but just couldn't get the words out. I think he knew what I was getting at so he decided it was fine to tell me.
6) Who's taller? Ryan definitely. When your 5'4" it doesn't take much to be taller than me.
7) Who sings better? Ryan is the better singer. He was part of LD singers when he went to Snow College. Although we use to be known as the funeral singers. People were searching hard for talent and would call us to sing. Go figure. They quit calling!!
8) Who's smarter? Hands down it would be Ryan. When he wrote his article when he was running for city council everyone was sure I wrote it for him. Haha...I only wish.
9) Who has the worst temper? Well on a day to day basis it would be me. Ryan is pretty even tempered, but when he blows look out!! It really does take a lot to push him over the edge though.
10) Who does the laundry? Usually me, unless Ryan runs out of work pants.
11) Who does the dishes? Ryan's good to rinse his dishes off after dinner, but actually doing the dishes it's me.
12) Who pays the bills? That became my job after I quit my full time job.
13) Who mows the lawn? What lawn? This is our third home of our own, but the first time we have had lawn. Since we bought it during the winter I don't know who will mow it. I would say it will probably be Ryan since the yard is huge, but I'm up to mowing it too.
14) Who cooks dinner? By all the appliances Ryan owned when we got married I figured he was a good cook. One day I'll find out...for now I'm the cook.
15) Who drives when we're together? Usually Ryan, but I take my turn every now and then.
16) Whose family/parents do you see more? We see them both often. We are so lucky to have them close to us, but I would have to say we see Ryan's parents the most. Since Ryan works with them, and then they just live around the corner, it's hard not to run into them.
17) Who has more friends? That would be me. I LOVE my friends and try to stay in touch with them as much as I can.
18) Who has more siblings? Ryan
19) Who wears the pants in the family? Ummmm. I would say Ryan, but he would say me. You know the saying if momma ain't' happy ain't' nobody happy. He lives by that so lets me try to run the show. Besides I got the name Charles in charge back in grade school.

Now I guess I get to tag someone else!!! So Lynzie, Candi and Thurber lets see what you have to say!!


Sara said...

I guess you don't need a lesson on adding a new template. You figured it out. I love it! Although, on my new template I had to re-add some stuff like the music and the flash badge of pictures. Char, what have you gotten me into. This is just so addicting and fun. My poor kids are getting neglected.;)

Sara said...

I forgot to tell you, I love the your answers.

Mitchell Family said...

Hey Char! You know what's funny is that Ashlee wanted the very same background! Warner is so cute!

Arah Debra said...

That was fun to read. I love your new template. I still haven't figured out how to do that stuff.

Andie Kae said...

that is funny i like that it is true

Brooke said...

Your blog is super cute. And can i say i love that you were called charles in charge. I guess I can kinda see it!

The Eborn Family said...

Love the new Blog background! Okay I didn't really know how the whole tag your it thing worked, but I added a three since it was missing.