Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Only me

So just as I'm bragging about last weeks great HOT TUB FHE, it turns out it wasn't such a great idea. Last week I woke up with these bumps on my belly. I figured I had slept with a bug that had his way with me. As the week went on I continue to get more and more bumps on my belly. Strange! So Monday morning I decided I had, had enough and went to the Dr. I'm telling you these aren't just regular bumps, they REALLY hurt! The Dr. gets looking at them and decides I have the chicken pox. Are you kidding me? I've already had those suckers and now my kids are most likely going to get them too. Well he decides to get a second opinion on these chicken pox. The next Dr. agrees they look just like chicken pox. Well right before he walks out of the door he asked my if by chance I had sat in a hot tub. Well sure enough I had. Apparently I don't have the chicken pox. I have hot tub folliculits. Yep you heard me. There really is such a thing. My hubby usually is so good about cleaning his little baby, but he thought just this one time not checking the chemicals wouldn't hurt. Well it didn't hurt anyone but me. I swear it's just my luck. The strangest things are always happening to me. I won't post pictures because it's more than anyone wants to see. But beware of hot tubs that haven't had the chemicals checked in over a week!!


Ines said...

Yikes! I sure hope they'll go away soon. You are just like me - I swear I get the weirdest stuff all the time. Glad you got it figured out though.

Sam and Stacia said...

Hey Char! I guess I better check my chemicals more often. I haven't sat in it forever, and I wont let Sam sit in it when I'm ovulating cause I'm such a paranoid freak, I'm worried it will kill his sperm (I know it won't, but I'm desperate!) And in response to your post on my blog, I was sitting there by myself, laughing out loud! We really could save some gas riding the rhino around Salina :) I love ya tons girl!

Katie said...

That has to be the worst luck! I hope you get feeling better soon!

Shortcake and Company said...

I know I shouldn't be laughing but that's a bit funny. Although if you're like me, I itch like crazy already when I'm pregnant. How you feeling anyway lady?

Roberts blog said...

The things pregnant women go through are unbelievable. You poor thing. Get well soon.